My name is
I can only speak on things from my perspective. I cannot speculate on other missions or how other people feel about this deployment. I am on a security mission for a camp inside of the VBC (Victory Base Complex). We work long hours six days a week, but most of that time is spent static. It could be comparable to the main character of "Office Space" explaining his job and how much actual work he does to Bob and Bob. If you have not seen this movie I suggest you rent it and get caught up.
The living conditions are more than adequate. We have two to 3 man rooms with AC and access to bathrooms inside of the building. The bed is a far cry from my memory foam queen, but better than the ground. My brother and I share a room with another soldier and having family here makes life easier. Did I forget to mention that my brother and I deployed together? Yes, they let you do that and there are a number of family members in the National Guard that deploy in the same units. My sister is also in the Army, but she just returned from a deployment in
I thought I would use this first entry to introduce myself and put a few pictures out there. I honestly have not a clue on what you can expect from this blog. I have never done anything like this before so we will have to see what happens. I will probably end up getting myself into trouble, but it will make for some interesting entries.
- Austin
Photos: Left, Matt and Austin Phillips training in New Mexico before their deployment. Right, Austin's sister Meghan cheers him up during his 4-day pass just before deployment.